Jeremy briefly talks about it in a recent podcast, around the 55min mark. He says he's in contact with mgmt with regards to strategy & value maximization... but can't say more now.


I sold my position at the end of January, as mentioned in my Note: https://substack.com/@jefke/note/c-47989264

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Thanks for the write-up. Have you done a deep dive on the NAV as well in the analysis?

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Doing a deep dive would be off brand for this substack ;)

(But yeah, my thesis banks on the activists not building a huge stake without double checking NAV themselves. I know, not very "Buffett-like" and could backfire at some point)

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Fair enough :) Thanks for covering the name.

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Unclear what Raper Capital's plan is here. Will have to wait and see what happens here, before jumping in

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Jeremy briefly talks about it in a recent podcast, around the 55min mark. He says he's in contact with mgmt with regards to strategy & value maximization... but can't say more now.


I sold my position at the end of January, as mentioned in my Note: https://substack.com/@jefke/note/c-47989264

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